The Russian That Saved The World

His name was Vasili Sergeyevich Arkhipov, he was a Soviet Naval officer. On October of 1962 right in the middle of the Cuban missile crisis the Soviet Submarine Foxtrot type B-59 with nuclear torpedos was spotted near Cuba, eleven US Navy destroyers and one US aircraft carrier surrounded the Soviet submarine and despite being in international waters they…

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We All Live In A Yellow Submarine

It seems that musicians do not have the problems that photographers have, and what problem am i talking about? well, the problem that we are afraid to be different, because if you are different then you will be thrown out of the community of the well behaved and tradition keepers, and once you are thrown out…

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Perception And Photography

Perception is ; The ability to see, hear or become aware of something through the senses. How can you photograph something that you can not see? And i am not talking about our eyes, but about what you are aware. Example;

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