A Visit To The MOCA museum in Los Angeles
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I am always going to art museums and photographic expositions, and this time i went to the MOCA which is “The Museum Of Contemporary Art. in Los Angeles California and came out with an opinion on contemporary art, this is not the first museum i’ve been to of contemporary art so i know what it was going to be, i go anyway because it entertains me and it’s a fun place to go.
Basically, i came out with the same opinion that the last modern art exhibit that i went to and that is that they are crazy, i mean the artists and the people of the museum for letting this person exhibit things that they say is art.
I have never been a pretender of anything i have always been myself and if i don’t like something i just say it if somebody asks me, i do not disrespect anybody, thats not what i’m saying, but if somebody wants my opinion then i say the truth and in this case i can not say that it was a good experience, i mean it was not a bad one either and i believe that you learn from everything and what i learned from this visit is that i could do a much better job in creating a work of art, and i am not an artist, i have seen very good art in the streets by steet artists that are a lot better than the ones in this museum.
I was going to go to the Broad museum but it’s more of the same, i wish i could ask somebody that has been there what they think of what is being exhibited there.
Here are some photos i took of the “Art” in the Moca Museum.
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