Category: Uncategorized
The Photo That Was Never Taken
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I was talking with a friend, he is about the same age as I am, 70 years old, and we were talking about life and how fast most of our lives have gone by, already in the past, and about how some friends have already parted to the other life beyond death.
Read MoreThe Outlaws Of Photography
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Even knowing that i could be branded an outlaw of photography i declare myself a rebel in photography and an outlaw. As i grew older and wiser i found myself feeling a lot more confident and finally found the courage to break the laws of photography, i decided to go into this new world in…
Read MoreTrying To Be Somebody
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Should you try to be somebody? Should that be your driving force?
Read MoreThis Website Was Hacked
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This website is a disaster. it was hacked by some evil force that completely eliminated all the photos on this site, so i have to rebuild it and that is a big task.So if you used to visit this site i apologize for the mess it’s in at the moment i will try to have…
Read MoreThe requirements For Letting Your Creativity Come Out
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Creativity is equivalent to Freedom. If you are not mentally free you will have problems getting your creativity unstuck, it will be difficult for you to be creative. 1.-So first requirement is to be FREE. I will explain a bit further what i mean by free. When you have preconceived ideas of what photography should…
Read MoreWhat Is A Good Photograph
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Are you still stuck in the 1950s, when a beautiful photograph was only taken by pro photographers because they were the only ones that could
Read MoreHow Do You Become A Better Photographer
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By reading about history, by reading about the great painters of the past, the great artists of the past or the present, by reading books like “Steal Like An artist” by Hugh Kleon, or “The Freak Factor” By David J Rendall” .
Read MoreWhat Is Creativity
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It’s trying to create your own world. When writers write a new novel they do it because they wish they could live in that world they are creating, most of the time they are one of the fictional characters in their novels, when musicians compose a new song it’s because they are not satisfied with…
Read MoreWhat Do Feelings Have To Do With Photography
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Everything…………. Your eyes are just an instrument that your brain uses to see, but the decisions to take a photo come from your brain, or do they?
Read MoreThe Last 20 Years Assessment
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Every 20 years or so, i do an assessment of what i have done in the past 20 years, not related to money because i don’t believe money is really important to the important things in life, yes money helps in a lot of things but not in the really important ones.I learned many years…
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