A Friend Passed Away
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This photo was taken at sunset on my sunset walk on the Harveston Lake Park.
Photo taken with Iphone 15 and then put through Topaz Studio with the filter.
In January a Student of mine (I give classes on how to make Neon Signs And Art) told me that he had been diagnosed with Cancer in the throat, he was in very good spirits throughout the months because the chemo therapy was working but then it stopped working and the cancer got worse and he died 3 weeks ago, he was 48 years old.
He took the class about two years ago but he kept on coming back for more instruction and we became good friends, he was the type of person that was always giving, very good heart, every time he came he brought me meat that is because the wifes family owned a cattle ranch so he always had meat. Just 3 days before he died i sent him a text to see how he was doing and he answered” Not good sir they are starting to talk about hospice.” after that text i called him but he couldn’t talk very well so i talked with he’s wife and she told me that it was not good that the doctors told her that they could not do any thing else for him.
Still can’t believe he’s gone, God bless you Manuel.