Trying To Be Somebody

Should you try to be somebody? Should that be your driving force?

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5 Obstacles On Creative Photography

1.- The opinion of other photographers is critical to you 2.- You think that you have to have an excellent camera 3.- You’re afraid to expose your true feelings in your photos to others 4.- You want to be like Adams or Cartier 5.-You think that the “Techniques Of Photography” is what makes a good…

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This Website Was Hacked

This website is a disaster. it was hacked by some evil force that completely eliminated all the photos on this site, so i have to rebuild it and that is a big task.So if you used to visit this site i apologize for the mess it’s in at the moment i will try to have…

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Your Not A Real Photographer If You Use Photoshop

Somebody once told me this some time ago because i told him that i used photoshop and Lightroom, for some reason he believed that a real photo is the one that comes out of the camera and that you are not supposed to alter it, not even crop it, so that interested me a bit,…

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Creativity vs The Rules In Photography Who Are You

I’m all for creativity. this is a video from Zdenka Darula that she put on her Youtube channel and she explains how the rules sometimes get in the way of creativity. And i agree 100%

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Sunset At The Pier

Photo taken at the Oceanside Ca. Pier. It is obvious that the pier is a place i like very much, and it’s one of those things that you don’t know why, it’s just an attraction, i also like the ocean, to me it represents a feeling of freedom, so that is why i come to…

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Surfer Girl

Photo taken in Oceanside Ca. from the pier

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Photograph by Cody Fry

   It’s the evening light Shining through the curtains The time before the night When everything is golden You’re sitting on the chair Wrapped inside a bedsheet Playing with your hair Watching people on the high street If I wished myself a superpower I would make this moment last for hours If I had…

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Jay Maisel on Photography

If somebody said to me, Give me two words that’ll make me a better photographer, its be open. Be open to what’s in front of you, to what’s actually in front of you, to what really is happening at that moment, Not two minutes ago, not five minutes from now. Is it something that moved…

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The Need For Speed and Danger

Taken with my favorite camera a Sony A6000 As i was taking this photo and i looked thru the lens i asked myself why would these people like to feel danger, i only once in my life rode a roller coaster and that was my last time, i felt terror while riding it and i…

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