New York City

This photo was taken from the observatory of the Building “The Edge” Composed of two photos that were merged in Lightroom Camera Sony A6000 .F5  1/1250 ISO100 16mm I used the original kit lens 16-50mm that the camera comes with.

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What Is Creativity

Creativity is the most important ingredient or activity in humans, it’s what made us as humans survive all these thousands of years or millions, without the capacity of creativity we would have been extinguished many years ago. Everybody uses creativity for whatever purpose they need, some use it to solve engineering problems others to get…

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How To Be A Good Photographer

Am I, a good photographer To some people i may be to others i am not, but how about to myself ? do i think i am a good photographer answer is YES, and the reason is………….                  

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A Photo And a Story

This is a story of a statue that was built based on a photo, so you could say this is a story of a statue of a photo. I think i already wrote something about this statue but i am not sure and it takes to much time to dig in the mountain of pages…

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The Unwanted Photo

This is a photo of my arm, it has an IV (Intravenous) inserted, in which they put a pain killer, a nausea killer and some water. What does this have to do with photography?, answer: Everything, photography is not only beautiful pictures its also about life and what happens in life and what happens to…

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Imagination Is The Greatest Asset You Have

Imagination is the most powerful asset you have, it’s not the camera or the lens, it’s your imagination, because that is where everything comes from. all creativity comes from imagination, so you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that if you use your imagination in photography or anything else you do…

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How To Really Study Photography

If you are thinking that by taking a course on the photographic techniques you are done, well you are mistaken, if you study only that then you would have learned only about 10% of what you need to learn, let me tell you what i discovered.  

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Street/ people Photography

I’ve been attracted  lately more to street photography than any other type of photography, well also documentary photography, those two are the preferred ones, and the reason i think it’s because i like to take pictures of people more than inanimate objects, i took photos of landscapes and seascapes until i got fed up with…

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What Does Hollywood Have To Do With Me

I have not written anything in this blog for a while now and for the 2 people that read my blog i apologize, i just wasn’t inspired to write, this coronavirus thing plus the wacky things said by the commander in chief got to me in a way that i did not anticipate, it created…

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