Category: Art

Camera Tech or Photography Artist
- 315
You are either a Camera Tech or a Photography Artist, but you can’t be both. Most of the time if not all of the time the people who are always focused on the camera don’t take very good photos, and on the other hand, the photographers who are not very interested in the technicalities and…
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Photograph by Cody Fry
- 678
It’s the evening light Shining through the curtains The time before the night When everything is golden You’re sitting on the chair Wrapped inside a bedsheet Playing with your hair Watching people on the high street If I wished myself a superpower I would make this moment last for hours If I had…
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Jay Maisel on Photography
- 546
If somebody said to me, Give me two words that’ll make me a better photographer, its be open. Be open to what’s in front of you, to what’s actually in front of you, to what really is happening at that moment, Not two minutes ago, not five minutes from now. Is it something that moved…
Read MoreDon’t Try To Be A Photographer
- 483
Titles come with a baggage, they come with preconceived ideas that sometimes are obstacles to reach your goals. What if you decided on denying you are a photographer, just kick that concept out of your mind, you are not a photographer, you do not accept that title. What if you invent your own title, something…
Read MoreRequirements Needed To Be A Good Photographer
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# 1 Don’t be a sheep follower of the masses #2
Read MoreWhy Do You Take Photos?
- 467
I take photos because i want to see if i can express my inner anxieties and insecurities through my photos, or be able to say what i could not say out loud. ( I think) maybe it’s something else,
Read MoreMy Other World
- 551
And that is the world of neon, yes my friends that’s what i do to bring the tortillas to the table, i make neon lights, and i also teach glass bending for neon, in this instance a student of mine opened and neon art exhibit, you see he is an artist and uses neon to…
Read MoreMusic Food And Photography
- 541
There are similarities between Music, Food and Photography and here they are; The similarities are between the musician, the chef, and the photographer 1.- The musician will either be a player of songs or he/she will be a creator of new music (composer) 2.-The chef will either just cook old recipes or create his/her own…
Read MorePhotography With A Plan
- 520
The rules of photography are a tool, your camera is a tool, your computer is a tool, the software you use is a tool, but what good are all the tools if you don’t have an idea what you are going to build with them. A mechanic needs tools to fix a car, but what…
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