What Is Passion

My definition of passion is this; First of all, Passion is a force, this force lives within you and demands you to move in the direction of your object of Pasion. Passion happens,

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Sweet Lorraine

In photography like in life you have to learn to do the unexpected, to not follow the rules, to be daring and even if the rules say you have to do this or that you still do it your way, don’t get me wrong in some cases the rules are to be followed, but in…

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The Most Problematic Word

I am not much into grammar, even though i like to write, but in my years of living on this planet I’ve learned a thing or two, i have learned that words either spoken or written have the power to create many feelings in humans, so i have divided words according to their power, so…

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A Visit To The Supermarket At 5:30 AM

The day started with my wife telling me “Wake up, it’s time to go” and i answered in a half-sleep way, “Go where”  to Wincos she said, then i remembered our favorite supermarket named “Winco” was having 2 hours dedicated only for old people 65 and older, in other words to seniors, nobody younger than…

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The New Rules Of Photography

The times have changed and everything in the year 2020 is different, we have evolved mentally so has photography.  The new rules of photography are;

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6 steps To Become The Best Photographer In The World

Step #1 Never ever compare yourself to any other photographer  Step #2

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The Joy And Deception Of A New Camera

You’re waiting for the UPS driver to arrive, the website said he should be at your address between 9 am and 9 pm so you wait by the window for all that time,

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Why Are Photographers The Worst Judges Of Photographs

Because most photographers will look for defects, they will not really judge the photo they will try to see if they can find mistakes in composition or lighting etc. and also because their ego gets in the way and they will not admit that a photo of another photographer is better than their photos, when…

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The Naive Photographer

The naive photographer is the photographer that follows all the rules while the successful photographers just don’t care for any rules. Following the rules will put you where all the millions of other photographers are and you will be just one of the millions but if you disobey the rules and are one of the…

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My Wife Hates My Camera Ep 2

I ‘ve been thinking what to do so i can keep my photographic hobby and also keep my wife, we’ve been married for 44 years, i met her when she was just 17 years old and i was 19, we were teenagers, i can’t believe it, now she is 60 and i am 66, how…

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