Good Photo Or Interesting Photo
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The gods of photography should change the definition of good photo to interesting photo.
A quote from a very famous and successful National Geographic photographer said;
“The main rule that useful pictures have to follow is “Don’t Be Boring”
don’t ever be boring,be interesting, and if a picture is interesting,then it can break all sorts of rules, except that cardinal rule “DON’T BE BORING”
Excerpt from interview of Jim Richardson , national Geographic Photographer
Q.-What advice would you give to new Photographers
JR.- Think about taking useful pictures instead of good pictures.
Good pictures always tend to be defined by arbitrary rules of composition,of subject matter,of placement of things within the pictures that sometimes make an interesting picture and sometimes don’t.
Useful pictures are pictures that we can somehow find use in our lives, that convey things that tell how excited we were to see something. Those pictures don’t necessarily have to follow all those rules.
The main rule that useful pictures have to follow is “Don’t Be Boring”
don’t ever be boring,be interesting, and if a picture is interesting,then it can break all sorts of rules, except that cardinal rule “DON’T BE BORING”
Pictures are suppose to connect, to excite us and if a picture does that, then i can forgive all sorts of flaws and errors.
Here’s the interview