The Photo That Was Never Taken
I was talking with a friend, he is about the same age as I am, 70 years old, and we were talking about life and how fast most of our lives have gone by, already in the past, and about how some friends have already parted to the other life beyond death.
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The Outlaws Of Photography 2
Continuing with this series of posts, here’s another outlaw, the very famous Ansel Adams. Mr Adams is guilty of manipulating the photos so they do not reflect reality, so he broke the law that says “Thy shall not alter or manipulate your photos, you will leave them as they are” Creating a false photo is…
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The Outlaws Of Photography
Even knowing that i could be branded an outlaw of photography i declare myself a rebel in photography and an outlaw. As i grew older and wiser i found myself feeling a lot more confident and finally found the courage to break the laws of photography, i decided to go into this new world in…
Read MorePhotography With A Plan
The rules of photography are a tool, your camera is a tool, your computer is a tool, and the software you use is a tool, but what good are all the tools if you don’t have an idea what you are going to build with them. A mechanic needs tools to fix a car, but…
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Don’t Try To Stand Out From The Crowd; Avoid Crowds Altogether
The title of this post is taken from chapter 12 of the book “Ignore Everybody” and 39 other keys to creativity”. From Author Hugh Macleod. I like this book because the author is very honest and straight to the point and i agree with almost all of his thoughts on creativity. Basically what he says…
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5 Obstacles On Creative Photography
1.- The opinion of other photographers is critical to you 2.- You think that you have to have an excellent camera 3.- You’re afraid to expose your true feelings in your photos to others 4.- You want to be like Adams or Cartier 5.-You think that the “Techniques Of Photography” is what makes a good…
Read MoreThis Website Was Hacked
This website is a disaster. it was hacked by some evil force that completely eliminated all the photos on this site, so i have to rebuild it and that is a big task.So if you used to visit this site i apologize for the mess it’s in at the moment i will try to have…
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Your Not A Real Photographer If You Use Photoshop
Somebody once told me this some time ago because i told him that i used photoshop and Lightroom, for some reason he believed that a real photo is the one that comes out of the camera and that you are not supposed to alter it, not even crop it, so that interested me a bit,…
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Creativity vs The Rules In Photography Who Are You
I’m all for creativity. this is a video from Zdenka Darula that she put on her Youtube channel and she explains how the rules sometimes get in the way of creativity. And i agree 100%
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