Category: creativity
What Does Hollywood Have To Do With Me
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I have not written anything in this blog for a while now and for the 2 people that read my blog i apologize, i just wasn’t inspired to write, this coronavirus thing plus the wacky things said by the commander in chief got to me in a way that i did not anticipate, it created…
Read MoreWhat Is Passion
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My definition of passion is this; First of all, Passion is a force, this force lives within you and demands you to move in the direction of your object of Pasion. Passion happens,
Read MoreSweet Lorraine
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In photography like in life you have to learn to do the unexpected, to not follow the rules, to be daring and even if the rules say you have to do this or that you still do it your way, don’t get me wrong in some cases the rules are to be followed, but in…
Read MoreThe New Rules Of Photography
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The times have changed and everything in the year 2020 is different, we have evolved mentally so has photography. The new rules of photography are;
Read More6 steps To Become The Best Photographer In The World
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Step #1 Never ever compare yourself to any other photographer Step #2
Read MoreThe Naive Photographer
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The naive photographer is the photographer that follows all the rules while the successful photographers just don’t care for any rules. Following the rules will put you where all the millions of other photographers are and you will be just one of the millions but if you disobey the rules and are one of the…
Read MoreWho Are You
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Why, i ask myself why is that we feel so obligated to belong to a group, maybe it’s the gene that tells us that we have to belong to a group in order to survive, that may be true, but, and here is the big but, inventions and creations and new things do not come…
Read MoreLosing Your Identity As A Photographer
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Most photographers do not have an identity as photographers, or to put it another way, they follow the path of other photographers and leave their own path or their own identity hidden because they don’t think it’s important or they are afraid to put out there their real selves. So their photos reflect what they…
Read MoreFanatic Photographer VS Real Photographer
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The Real Photographer will never talk about his camera because it’s just a tool, it’s like a wood worker talking all day long about his saw and never about his creations, so the real photographer will talk mainly about the experience, the feeling, the places he’s been to, the people he has met, he will…
Read MoreThe requirements For Letting Your Creativity Come Out
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Creativity is equivalent to Freedom. If you are not mentally free you will have problems getting your creativity unstuck, it will be difficult for you to be creative. 1.-So first requirement is to be FREE. I will explain a bit further what i mean by free. When you have preconceived ideas of what photography should…
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